S. No. | ISIN | Issuer Name | Security Name | Instrument Type | Maturity /Deemed Maturity Date |
Coupon rate | Bond Residual Face Value (In Rs 100) |
{{ValuationType == 'PTC' ? "Bond Gross Price" : 'Bond Clean Price'}} | Bond Yield | Today's spread over benchmark (G-sec or T-bills) |
Valuation Triggered (Call/Put/Maturity) |
Valuation Triggered Date | Residual Tenure | Macaulay duration | Modified duration | Conservative Rating | Rating Change (upgrade/ downgrade) |
Previous day clean price | Previous day yield | Previous day spread over benchmark (G-Sec /T-bill) |
Today's fair valuation (Waterfall) Hierarchy |
Security valued till Maturity/Deemed maturity |
Commission/fees paid upfront | Premium or discount - if any in the paper on redemption/ exercise of option |
No. of call options in the instrument | No. of put options in the instrument | No. of reset dates in the instrument | No. of redemptions (in staggered redemption securities) |
Polling pool >=3 entities. >5 entities and > 8 entities |
No. of pollsters holding same ISIN or security of same issuer with similar maturity |
No. of pollsters NOT holding same ISIN or security of same issuer with similar maturity |
No. of pollsters who have not provided information with respect to holding of same ISIN or security of same issuer with similar maturity |
Minimum of Polling yield | Maximum of Polling yield | Median of Poll yield |
S. No. | ISIN | Security Name | Instrument Type | Maturity/ Deemed Maturity Date |
ICRA's Bond Price | ICRA's Bond Yield | ICRA's Modified duration |
Rating_ICRA | Rating Change_ICRA | Valuation Triggered |
Valuation Triggered Date |
ICRA's Bond FaceValue |
ICRA's Macaulay duration |
S. No. | ISIN | Issuer Name | Security Name | Instrument Type | Maturity Date | CPCD Face Value | Residual Tenure | Conservative Rating | Rating Change (upgrade/ downgrade) |
Valuation Agencies CPCD Price |
Valuation Agencies CPCD Yield |
Spread over benchmark (T-bills) |
Previous day price | Previous day yield | Fair valuation (Waterfall) Hierarchy |
S. No. | ISIN | Security Name | Instrument Type | Maturity Date | ICRA's T-Bill Price | ICRA's T-Bill Yield | Rating_ICRA | Rating Change_ICRA | ICRA's Bond FaceValue | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{::$index+1}} | {{::rta.ISIN}} | {{::rta.IssuerName}} | {{::rta.SecurityName}} | {{::rta.ValuationType}} | {{::rta.StrMaturityDate}} | {{::rta.CurrCoupon}}% | {{::rta.ResFaceValue}} | {{::rta.Price}} | {{::rta.StrYieldPercentVal}} | {{::rta.TodaysBenchmark}}% | {{::rta.ValuationFlg}} | {{::rta.StrFinalValuationDate}} | {{::rta.ValuationTenor}} | {{::rta.MacaulayDuration}} | {{::rta.ModifiedDuration}} | {{::rta.RatingICRA}} | {{::rta.RatingStatus}} | {{::rta.PreviousMtmPrice}} | {{::rta.PreviousYield}}% | {{::rta.PreviousBenchmark}}% | {{::rta.Hierarchy}} | {{::rta.MaturityFlg}} | {{::rta.UpfrontRate}} | {{::rta.PremiumDiscount}} | {{::rta.NoOfCall}} | {{::rta.NoOfPut}} | {{::rta.NoOfResetDate}} | {{::rta.NoOfRedemptions}} | {{::rta.PollingPool}} | {{::rta.PollHoldingCount}} | {{::rta.PollNotHoldingCount}} | {{::rta.PollNpinfoHoldingCount}} | {{::rta.PollMinYield}} | {{::rta.PollMaxYield}} | {{::rta.PollMedianYield}} |
{{::$index+1}} | {{::rta.ISIN}} | {{::rta.SecurityName}} | {{::rta.ValuationType}} | {{::rta.StrMaturityDate}} | {{::rta.Price}} | {{::rta.StrYieldPercentVal}} | {{::rta.ModifiedDuration}} | {{::rta.RatingICRA}} | {{::rta.RatingStatus}} | {{::rta.ValuationFlg}} | {{::rta.StrFinalValuationDate}} | {{::rta.ResFaceValue}} | {{::rta.MacaulayDuration}} | ||||||||||||||||||||||
{{::$index+1}} | {{::rta.ISIN}} | {{::rta.IssuerName}} | {{::rta.SecurityName}} | {{::rta.ValuationType}} | {{::rta.StrMaturityDate}} | {{::rta.ResFaceValue}} | {{::rta.ValuationTenor}} | {{::rta.RatingICRA}} | {{::rta.RatingStatus}} | {{::rta.Price}} | {{::rta.StrYieldPercentVal}} | {{::rta.TodaysBenchmark}}% | {{::rta.PreviousMtmPrice}} | {{::rta.PreviousYield}}% | {{::rta.Hierarchy}} | ||||||||||||||||||||
{{::$index+1}} | {{::rta.ISIN}} | {{::rta.SecurityName}} | {{::rta.ValuationType}} | {{::rta.StrMaturityDate}} | {{::rta.Price}} | {{::rta.StrYieldPercentVal}} | {{::rta.RatingICRA}} | {{::rta.RatingStatus}} | {{::rta.ResFaceValue}} | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No report available |